About Nature Gal Naturals

Hey ya'll! Welcome to Nature Gal Naturals. We hope you find this to be a place to learn, make lasting connections and get the help you need in reaching your holistic goals. Herbalism is something that kinda found me, I guess you could call me an "accidental herbalist". I am fortunate enough to have amazing parents who taught me to love, respect and learn about nature and through my life, I've tried to continue those values they instilled.
Once I left for college, I kinda stepped away from my roots and what I knew and began living a more mainstream life. I went on to obtain my Master of Arts in Teaching and in Counseling Psychology (MAT, LPC) and from there, I went into private practice as an in home therapist, traveling to many rural areas in Missouri to work with under-served and at risk populations. I loved being a therapist, but began to really have difficulty with the system as a whole and watched far too many of my clients struggle and suffer at the hands of the state and pharmaceuticals.
In 2007, I realized I needed to make changes in my life, get back to basics and start taking better care of myself...I did...and I’ve never looked back. I began hiking and taking photographs of what I found on my adventures. Over time, I realized I was very focused on plants and mushrooms and began looking them up, just to identify what they were. As I read about the many things I was photographing, I realized I was surrounded by healing herbal medicine.
Returning to my roots meant returning to Mother Nature and reconnecting with what all of our ancestors have done... utilizing the seeds, roots, plants and mushrooms, which have been provided for us to heal and to live this life we've been given.
Expanding Into Herbal Medicine

Around 2014, I began working in some groups, helping guide people related to mental health issues and ways to deal with them on their own, with tools like meditation and yes, herbals. I began reading and studying plants and herbs, setting a goal of 4 hours a day to learn about everything could about natural healing and disease. I was very fortunate to have an experienced herbalist as a mentor. She has spent countless hours sharing her knowledge and experience with me.
As I began teaching others about formulations they could use to help themselves, I would regularly get asked, "can’t you just make it for me”? I spent the next couple of years working on my skills, formulating and making extracts for friends, family and some people in my groups.
In addition to continued study of therapeutic interventions, I also spent the last decade studying disease, plants and the mind body connection to help YOU find YOU. I am a registered herbalist with the American Herbalists Guild.
In 2017, I was approached by someone who wanted to start an herbal company because they had fought cancer. I joined them, but over time, found they weren’t folks I needed to be in business with and we parted ways.
In June 2019, I retired from my counseling practice after 27 years and decided not to renew my license as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). I did this to be fully in line with working in a client centered manner, providing Holistic Health Coaching.
With that being said, we welcome you to Nature Gal Naturals. Our mission is to educate others about holistic health, herbs, spices, roots, mushrooms and more. Additionally we hope to give you the tools to make your own extracts, tinctures and topicals.
Nature Gal Naturals is a minimalist company, meaning it is me growing, hiking, processing, formulating, pouring and packaging each and every order. I also have wonderful people helping me as well. Lisa G. helping with day to day operation/sales/marketing/support, Brenda creating blogs/ads/educational information, my amazing admin in the groups and of course Lisa L doing the web design and support.
Good luck in all you do and most of all, have fun building your own medicine cabinet. Get out and explore nature, you won't be disappointed!
Our hope is to educate children as well. We want you to know you are never too young or old to learn to love and nourish your mind, body and soul. Thank you for being here and we hope you’ll enjoy yourself while learning a lot.
Be the good.
Be the helper.
Be the change you seek.